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Sales Department  /  +48 32 259 11 00

DAGMA Bezpieczeństwo IT
40-668 Katowice
ul. Bażantów 4/2
NIP: 634-012-60-68

10407 Berlin
Storkower Str. 115a


I agree to receive information via electronic means of communication containing commercial information within the meaning of the Act dated July 18, 2002 on the provisioning of electronic services (2017.1219) from DAGMA sp. z o.o. with headquarters in Katowice (40-478), Pszczyńska 15 street.


I consent to receive electronic communication containing commercial information within the meaning of Act of 18 July 2002, on the Provision of Electronic Services from DAGMA sp. z o.o. ,with its registered office in Katowice (40-478), ul. Pszczyńska 15.

Check who will be the administrator of your personal data (more)

The administrator of personal data given above is DAGMA sp. z o.o. with headquarters in Katowice (40-478) at Pszczyńska 15 street. Personal data provided above will be processed on the basis of an article 6.1 a), c) and f) GDPR. The legitimate interest of processing is direct marketing of goods or services of the data controller or producers of solutions and services included in the administrator's offer and ensuring the possibility of using data to establish or assert claims under this contract or defend against such claims. I have been informed that I have the right to object to the processing of my personal data. In addition, I have the right to access my personal data, rectify them, delete (“Right to be forgotten”), limit processing, and submit a complaint to the supervisory authority in Poland. The data given above will be processed until expiration or termination of the contract to which the data subject is a party and after its termination until the claims under this contract are satisfied or expired. In the scope of data processing for marketing purposes, until the objection by the data subject concerned. DAGMA, pursuant to an article 37 GDPR appoints the Data Protection Officer, indicating the following contact details: tel: 32 259 11 46, e-mail: Additional information can be found at

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Contact for media

Marcin Mazur