Trade control
DAGMA sp. z o.o. adheres to the so-called goods trade control, the so-called dual use. These are the products that are normally used for civilian purposes but potentially may have military applications.
End-use control requires all the procedures to be followed by the parties of a transaction. Furthermore it is obligatory both to receive all the applicable permissions to do activities that reguires control and to run the evidency of transactions.
Legal base:
Regulation (EU) 2021/821 of the 20th May 2021 setting up a Union regime for the control of exports, brokering, technical assistance, transit and transfer of dual-use items.
The Act from the 29th November 2000 on foreign trade in goods, technologies and services of a strategic importance of the State and to maintaning international peace and security (further called the Act of 29 November of 2000).
Dual-use goods enduser statement (EN)
Barracuda Networks
Dual-use goods enduser statement (EN)
These requirements have been introduced in order to protect the internal security of the individual countries and to provide an appriopriate transaction process of dual-use goods.
Regarding the EU law content, Dagma sp. z o.o. as an authorsed distributor of the solutions classified as dual-use goods, informs its trade partners as well as end-use customers about the necessity of acting in accordance with proper law regulations.
In order to provide the proper quality of sale and security, Dagma sp. z o.o. is ISO 9001 and WSK certified. Information about applicable regulations connected with control of dual use goods can be fond on the Ministry of Development website
If you have any questions about end-use control please contact us via e-mail: